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The Cheltenham Five Part 1 where we eat CAKE!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The best cake plate is an empty one!

The internet is a wonderful place to meet like-minded people and even within the food blogging community you find yourself drawn towards certain peoples blogs and certain conversations on Twitter. Some of those conversations were verging on the smutty and so our hashtag #smuts was born.

There are eight of food bloggers who make up the #smuts, Karen of Lavender and Lovage, Jacqueline of Tinned Tomatoes, Choclette from Chocolate Log Blog, Fiona from London Unattached, Ros of The more than occasional baker, Sue from Heaven on a Plate, Dom from Belleau Kitchen and me!  After many false start discussions and meetings of two or three at various events, we felt it was time we all met together.  As we are flung to the far corners of the UK and France,  we settled on Cheltenham as a reasonable place that was easily accessible by rail.

Early on in our planning we lost one #smut,  as Jac was off to the sun for a well earned holiday.  Then more unavoidable events meant that Dom and Sue both had to call off almost at the last minute. And then there were five...not of all of those present will be featured in this post, Karen and I dont give a damn so you will see a lot of the two of us!  Fiona also features as long as her hair is okay ;-)

Fiona and Karen came up from London on the train together and I met them at Cheltenham Spa station.    After checking into our hotel, we had a bit of a scout around the sales in Cheltenham including Cath Kidston, Radley and Toast. 

We then headed for our rendez-vous with Choclette and Ros at the Well Walk Tea Room,
Its located in  one of Cheltenhams oldest shops and is a real delight, in terms of decor, customer service and the tea itself.

The shelves are groaning with beautiful vintage china tea sets.

Kitsch cherubs adorned the walls along with  tapestries.

As we were eating fairly early, we were supposed to be limiting our cake consumption, so ordered a Cake Medley a selection of six cakes to share for £10.95.  My favourite was the Cinnamon and Rhubarb Cake which was moist and delicious.  All the cakes were very good indeed, although the Bakewell Tart was a bit too thick for me and not a moist as the other cakes.  The tea flowed freely with lots of top ups and the staff were very friendly and indulgent of our blogging ways.

We couldnt resist some scones with jam and cream as they were straight out of the oven!


Bloggers do it with pictures!
Information about the menu and prices is available on the Well Walk Tea Room Menu page.

In the basement, the tea room has a Christmas Shop with vintage style decorations, open all year round.

I can thoroughly recommend the Well Walk Tea Room for a cup of tea and a cake and particularly for their delicious scones.  

I was not paid for this post and received no advantage from writing about the Well Walk Tea Room, I am sharing this review because it was a very good tea.

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