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Tangdi Kabab

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Boneless Chicken pieces-500gms( you can also use Chicken Drumsticks)
Olive oil/ Butter/ Ghee for basting

First marinade ingredients
Ginger and Garlic paste-4tbsp
Red Chili powder-1tbsp( +/-)
Turmeric powder-1/4tsp
Hung curd/ Thick curd-1/4cup

Second marinade ingredients
Roasted Besan flour/ Chickpea flour-1tbsp
Lime juice-2tsp
Olive oil-5tbsp
Onion powder-2tbsp
Garlic powder-2tbsp
Ground black pepper-1/2tsp
Salt to taste

In a medium sized bowl add the first marinade ingredients and mix well, to this marinade add the chicken pieces and marinate for 4 hours( overnight marinade is preferable). Next in another bowl add the second marinade ingredients and mix well until the besan flour is well blended to a smooth paste. Add the marinaded chicken pieces to the second marinade and marinate for another 4 hour( for the second marinade overnight marinade is not required). Preheat oven/ grill to 400°F, thread the marinaded chicken pieces onto wooden skewers. Place the skewers in the center grill rack of your oven. Roast the chicken for 20 mins until cooked and golden brown on all sides( if required you can also brush the chicken pieces with oil/butter).

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