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February Dish of the Month Cooking with Nigel Slater

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

We had an incredible start to Dish of the Month in January, a big thank you from me and Sue at A little bit of heaven on a plate to all who took part.  The full round up of the recipes from January can be seen HERE.

 Dish of the Month is a blog event to celebrate the recipes of the generous and charming, Nigel Slater. Im cooking my way month by month through The kitchen diaries II, however you can make any dish from any of Nigels books or use the online recipes. The full rules are shown below.

For my February Dish of the Month I have chosen Nigels Little apricot and oat cakes which he describes as "a cake with backbone, not to mention an interesting texture which comes from rolled oats and dried apricots".  The recipe is in the February chapter of The Kitchen Diaries II and I can highly recommend these little cakes, they are proper little buns and the finely chopped apricots and peel that they contain give them a nice tangy flavour.  They keep very well in a plastic container too.

If you would like to take part, then please:

  • Make a Dish of the Month from ANY recipe by Nigel Slater
  • Link to Farmersgirl Kitchen or A Little Bit of Heaven on a Plate
  •  Use the Dish of the Month logo in your post
  • If you use twitter, tweet your post with @serialcrafter or @Heavenona_plate and #DishoftheMonth and we will re-tweet it to our followers. 
  • If you own The kitchen diaries II please do not publish the recipes on your blog without permission, they are copyright.
  • If you are using recipes from the BBC Food website, please link to the recipe on BBC Food rather than publishing the recipe.  Likewise recipes on the Guardian Lifestyle website.
  • One entry per blog.
  • Recipes must be added to the linky by the 28th of each month.

 Add your Dish of the Month to the linky below: );

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