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Grow your own!

Friday, February 21, 2014

This month the challenge at No Croutons Required is to make a soup or salad using something you have grown yourself.  That was going to be a bit of a challenge for me as it has been raining non-stop here for what seems like weeks, combined with fierce winds my little courgette plants looked like they had given up early.
No Croutons Required is hosted by Tinned Tomatoes and Lisas Kitchen
However, one nice day last week seemed to perk them up and I managed to harvest four teeny tiny courgettes and a handful of radishes and some herbs.

I used the veg peeler to cut thin strips from the courgettes and finely sliced the radishes, I made a simple dressing with Champagne vinegar, olive oil, honey, Colmans mustard powder and some salt and pepper. 
Because the courgettes were so young, they made a delicious salad with the peppery radishes and the sweet and sour dressing.

If youd like to see more entries to No Croutons Required, head over to Lisas Kitchen.

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