Thursday, February 6, 2014

Kothu parotta….This was sold initially only on roadside stalls but these days you can find kothu parotta even in the menu of two-star and three-start hotels. I even remember having kothu parotta in Malgudi restaurant in Hyderbad, which changed my view that kothu parotta is only prepared in Tamil Nadu. This does bring in some good memories. My sister and I simply love this. During my school and college days, when we were in the mood to have something different, we would ask our dad to buy this for us. Usually appa will get some regular parottas with chicken kuzumbu along with kothu parotta and chicken 65…doesn’t that sound tempting :) I remember my friend Viki mentioning fondly in one of her posts about her father and brother buying some yummy goodies for her, so I think everyone of you must have some good memories like these. Do share them with me girls. Coming on to this recipe, I used whole wheat parottas, which I found in a nearby Indian store. I was skeptical about using whole wheat parottas, but there was no difference in taste at all. It was just like the ones made with regular white parottas, so if you find any whole wheat parottas, just go ahead and buy them, they are as delicious as the white ones.


1. Parottas, fresh or frozen, 3-4.

2. Onions, medium size, 2.

3. Roma tomato, 1.

4. Green chilies, 1-2. (I used the less hot Korean peppers).

5. Ginger-garlic paste, 1 teaspoon.

6. Curry leaves, 1 spring.

7. Cilantro, chopped, ¼ cup.

8. Fennel seeds, ¼ teaspoon.

9. Chili powder, 1 teaspoon.

10. Garam masala or any other masala powders like chicken masala or channa masala, ½ teaspoon.

11. Eggs, 3.

12. Salt as per taste.


Prepare parottas from scratch or cook the frozen parottas according to package instructions and let it cool. Once cooled shred the parottas into irregular strips and keep aside. Dice the onions and tomatoes finely and chop the green chilies into rings. Heat a pan with a tablespoon of oil. When the oil is hot enough, add the diced onions along with curry leaves and sauté for a few minutes until the onions turn brown. Then add the tomatoes, chilies, fennel seeds, and ginger-garlic paste and keep sautéing until everything is well blended. Add the powders and salt along with another tablespoon of oil and cook closed under a low flame. After 5-10 minutes the powders would have lost their raw smell and oil will start to ooze out of the mixture. Break in the eggs at this point and scramble everything until there are no lumps in the masala. Add the shredded parottas pieces and mix everything well. Cook under low flame for a few more minutes until the parottas turn soft. Garnish with chopped cilantro and serve hot.

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