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Scrambled Eggs with Tomatillos

Friday, February 28, 2014

We tried to grow tomatillos last year but we failed. A shocking statement, I know. Tomatillos are essentially weeds. However, I am sure that the virus we had in our pepper bed right next to them affected them badly, even though they didnt show the characteristic twisted leaves of the peppers. They just completely failed to thrive.

Its a completely different story this year. We planted 4 tomatillo plants, and they are currently loaded with fruit and we are up to our eyeballs in tomatillos. Good thing they keep quite well, as I will need some time to figure out what to do with them all.

In the meantime, this was a quick, easy and tasty thing to make with them. I didnt actually cook the eggs and vegetables separately, but next time I will take the few moments needed to do that. The eggs come out much more attractive that way.

2 to 3 servings

20 minutes prep time

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatillos

6 extra-large eggs

salt & pepper

1/4 red pepper

2 cups chopped tomatillos (8 to 16)

1 or 2 green onions

3 or 4 cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon mild vegetable oil, or a bit more

Break the eggs into a bowl, and beat with a fork. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Set aside.

Wash, destem and deseed the pepper, and chop it into smallish pieces. Remove the husks from the tomatillos, and cut out the stem. Cut them into slices, then chop the slices slightly. Wash, trim and chop the green onion. Peel and mince the garlic.

Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the tomatillos and red pepper, and sauté for 4 or minutes, until noticeably softened. Add the onion, and cook for a minute or so more. Add the garlic, and cook for just another minute. Remove the vegetables from the pan, making sure it is fairly clean.

It may be necessary to add a little more oil. Reduce the heat to medium and pour in the beaten eggs. Cook until just set, stirring to break them up and prevent them from browning. When they are almost done, add the vegetables back in, and mix gently. Serve as soon as the vegetables are heated through.

Last year at this time I made Cabbage & Cheese Curds with Tomato & Tamari and also a Bacon-Cilantro -Tomato Sandwich.

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