Dinner In L A

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Yesterday, Rick and I drove up to LA to help me move into my new apartment (for school). Afterwards, we hit the streets of Westwood to enjoy some city night life.

City of Angels? Been living here three years, and Im pretty sure I have seen no angels. It kind of cracks me up when people say they that "love" LA. Id ask them why, and theyd say "Because there are TONS of things to do!" Yeah? What do you do? "We go out to eat. Clubbing. Eat. Dancing. Eat... Eat..." Wow. Thats like 6 things! I guess thats considered a lot of things, if youre interested into that sort of thing. As for me, I wouldnt know because I only sleep and read here. I spend most of my life avoiding crowds.

Despite all the smog, the traffic, the noise and all the weird people, LA does have tons of interesting places to eat. I have to give the city that. I think thats all people do here, really. 

Picture courtesy of Yelp.com

Although Rick and I will never consider living in such a big city, we both still enjoy it when we are there. Its different from what we usually do. I took him to one of my favorite places to eat in Westwood: sushi at Yamato Restaurant.

(I know sushi isnt as popular in other parts of the country/world, but if you get the chance, I encourage you to try it. Dishes with salmon and tuna are easy to eat, especially for those who are on the fence. Just stick to the kind of fish you know you already like, and then go from there. And for the love of God, please DONT overdo the wasabi. I hate wasabi. Rick loves it. You can have sushi with or without it. But I always make a point to try new things, at least once. If you dont like it, then you dont. But at least you know you tried.) 

** Photos below are not ours. We didnt bring a camera, and kind of feel awkward taking photographs of our food in restaurants. So we will steal from others who dont mind. :-)

The crunchy roll is always safe. Theres nothing raw in it. The sweet, salty and crunchy textures provide great contrast. The sticky rice wrapped around fresh tempura shrimp is both warm and cool to the palate. Crunchy rolls never disappoint. Sushi is all about texture and balance. It wasnt till later that I began to appreciate sushi for what it is.

Our taste buds were doing flips and somersaults all night!

But perhaps my favorite dish of all at Yamato is the orange dragon roll, which is filled with crab and topped with fresh salmon and eel sauce. The salmon just melts in your mouth. Mmmm....

Rick told me about when he went out fishing once. The chef on the boat made sushi right after the catch, then and there on the boat. It was the freshest sushi he ever had, he said. And thats how sushi should be. Fresh.

I dream of going fishing in Alaska one day...

Then the rainbow roll, which was almost too pretty to eat. It was topped with fresh salmon, shrimp, tuna, albacore, yellowtail, white fish and avocado. 

We also ordered Panko fried oysters, which we thought were good, but a little on the greasy side. 

Green Tea Creme Brulee

  And perhaps the star of the night was the green tea creme brulee. It was different, but delicious. We could definitely taste the green tea, but it wasnt overpowering at all. The caramelized sugar on top was yummy, of course. It tasted amazing with the strawberries. 

Since Yamato is located in a college town, they decided to make it student friendly. Sushi here is half the price of higher end sushi restaurants. In my opinion, those other, more expensive places dont taste THAT much better. If youre ever in Westwood, we suggest you come try the sushi and green tea creme brulee.

Afterwards, we checked out the Halloween superstore across the street. Seems like theyve been popping up everywhere, on every street corner. 

Then we went to a new soda/candy shop called Rocket Fizz that just opened on Westwood Blvd., where I found this: 

And this... Japanese Kit-Kat balls...
We bought a 4-pack of sodas weve never even heard of, some Mexican candy, 2 apple-caramel lollipops and a package of Claeys Horehound drops. 

I was a happy camper.

Visited Trader Joes on our way back to the truck and became disgusted at how expensive lamb has gotten. Like, why? If we had some land, we will surely be raising some sheep.

Traffic was smooth sailing on the 405. We were glad to get out of Westwood before the crowds came in. The streets were closed by the Fox Theater for the premier of Contagion. Hadnt heard of the movie till last night.

Still have some wahoo steaks in the freezer. Still thinking of what to do with them tomorrow... stay tuned!

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Kobbari Bellam Ladoo Coconut Jaggery Ladoo

This is a very popular sweet of India made during festivals and feasts.  Coconut Jaggery ladoo is one of the true delight for all the coconut lovers and for the people with sweet tooth.

I love and enjoy this sweet a lot. In my childhood my mom used to make them regularly as we used to have lots of coconut in our home.

This sweet can be prepared with very less ingredients --- Fresh Coconut, Jaggery.  


Fresh grated Coconut – 1 cup
Jaggery grate or cut into small pieces – 1 cup
Elachi powder – 1 tsp
Sugar – 1 tsp
Ghee – 1 tsp


  • In a heavy bottom vessel take grated jaggery in very little water and cook on medium heat till the jaggery melts.
  • After cooled filter the jaggery water and keep aside.
  • In the same vessel add fresh grated coconut, jaggery water.
  • Let coconut cook well in the jaggery syrup.

  • Stir continuously and Cook until the mixture close to thick.
  • Add Sugar and cook well.
  • Add Elachi Powder and ghee.
  • Turn off the heat and keep it aside for few minutes.
  • When the mixture is warm grease your palm with ghee and start making small balls of the mixture.
  • Yummy Kobbari Ladoos are Ready !!!!
Sending this to Serve It - Festival Potluck hosted by Krithi & Denny, Diwali Special - Sweets & Savories hosted by Radhika,  Diwali- Festival of LIGHTS hosted by Anu , Dish Name Starts With K hosted by Ahkila, My Diwali MyWay hosted by Khusi, Only Sweets and Desserts hosted by Gayathri originally started by Pari, Healing Food - Coconut hosted by Sukanya originally started by Siri, Veggie/Fruit A Month hosted by Priya.

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Richard Simmons Deal A Meal

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Richard Simmons Deal-A-MealDeal-A-Meal Food Cards _ Wallet _ Menu Cards _ Instructional Manual - Instructional Video - Favorite Foods Booklet - Project me Passport. Complete set


Click here to buy from Amazon

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Two Words BLT Cupcake

Yeah, uh huh, check it:

Thats a BLT Cupcake. And its amazingly delicious!! AND its the first savory cupcake Ive ever had. Can you believe that?!?!

Ugh, I cant even talk about it:

Im salivating over the idea of it RIGHT NOW.

But youll have to wait for more later. As you may or may not have noticed, depending on how loyal a reader you are (hi, Jim Cook!), Ive been pretty MIA on here lately. See, Ive just started a new job and theres a lot going on, but this weekend Ill be back and better than ever!

Well, I cant guarantee "better than ever"...have you read some of these posts? Im a literary genius. GENIUS I tell you!!!!!!!

So yeah, check back for more, and in the mean time, take a guess at the frosting...what do you think it is?
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5 Foods to Live For

Chocolates gotta be on the list, right?

Yes, its Meme time again and this time around Ive been tagged by Susan at Fatfree Vegan Kitchen to declare my 5 Foods to Live For. Asking someone who must live gluten-free due to celiac disease to list five foods to live for is an ironic and thorny question. If she had asked me, say, ten years ago, my list would have sported Italian semolina pasta as my number one. Following a close second? A tie between a crispy crusted French baguette and a chewy, salty rosemary foccacia- dipped in number three, extra virgin olive oil. Fourth would have to involve chocolate, perhaps a dense, rich slice of Devils food cake. Number five?

Suddenly Im feeling a little woozy.

This has-been (once upon a time) list ought to be named, 5 Foods to Die For. In some other incarnation Im sure it is. Celiac is that serious. Yup. It can tumble you downhill so fast youll be cringing- more than usual- at thinly veiled envy, er, I mean, compliments (Wow, you look amazing! Bitch. What are you- a size zero?) and discussing plans with your husband on how hell look after your sons once youre gone.

Gone? he will ask with a raised eyebrow and a glint in his eye that begs to spark the levity he knows from experience simmers just beneath your gloomy inscrutable surface. Youre not going anywhere, he declares with a bear hug, wrapping himself around your alarmingly bony shoulders.

Learning at mid-life that in order to survive you must be gluten-free every single day for the rest of your life is a mixed blessing. Yes, its a relief. You havent woken up in the third act of some Stephen King movie titled, Wasted. There is, finally, a reason you can point to. A culprit.

And the cure? The cure is simple, the doctor will tell you. Avoid gluten. And? you ask expectantly. There will be a shrug, followed by, Youll be fine. The depth of this nutritional advice is astounding, you think to yourself in utter and complete awe. Out loud, you murmur, Oh, okay, glancing at the faint remnants of powdered sugar on his charcoal wool trouser leg.

Finding five foods to live for is easy for me. After five years of living gluten-free I have forgotten what it is like to eat and live spontaneously, to stop, on an impulse and try a new bakery or a new cafe or the new restaurant in town. I must read every label of every single food, every ingredient that goes into my mouth. I make grocery lists in my sleep. I pack food for even the shortest trips away from home, knowing there will be nothing safe I can eat during an emergency. Well, if Im lucky- a bottled water in a vending machine.

Eating now is sober business.

Its not just something to do on a whim, or out of boredom, or even, politeness. Every single food choice has to be conscious (How Zen, you think to yourself, chewing your brown rice. Maybe Buddha was a celiac?). For those of us intolerant to gluten, each bite we take is either healing or destructive. Its as simple as that.

And this is the hard part. To regard food as a possible enemy, as something adversarial, even life threatening, like some nasty virus or invisible bacteria, can turn any food loving girls concept of nourishment and pleasure upside down. In fact, it is the antithesis of pleasure (unless you happen to be a masochist).

No, its not easy to be even a quasi-foodie or comfort-foodie like me, when you have to keep your guard up. Strict vigilance isnt exactly, um, sexy.

Luckily, I was born with a resiliency and fluidity that has served me well in my life; and I have adjusted to my limitations and the stringency of living gluten-free. I still have foods I adore. I get pleasure from cooking. Sharing meals with those I love is as important now (if not more so!) than it was before I learned about celiac disease.

And after some minor and major adjustments, food has become equal to pleasure once again.

Food Bloggers Five Things to Eat Before You Die

So, without further ado, my 5 Foods to Live For - aka Five Foods to Eat Before You Die Meme - are:

1. Roasted green chiles- fresh from a New Mexican roadside stand
2. Garlic- rubbed, minced, chopped, roasted
3. Extra virgin olive oil- organic and fruity, from Italy
4. Wine- both red and white, from velvety dry to clean and crisp
5. Tomatoes- in every shape and color and size, raw, cooked, and sun-dried

Wait, wait! But then there is organic dark chocolate and sweet potatoes and blueberries and peaches and vanilla bean and fresh corn tortillas. Sigh.

How lucky can a girl be?

Rather than tag five others (the bloggers Ive asked have already done it - shows you how late I am getting into this) I invite readers to post their own list here (in comments) and write about it- especially those living gluten-free.

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Panko and Black Sesame Seed Crusted Tuna Burger with Wasabi Mayonnaise

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Being born and raised right on the Chesapeake Bay in Baltimore, MD means that you are genetically predisposed to engage in a lifelong love affair with seafood.  My best memories of Bmore (as its affectionately known)  are of those quintessential steamy summer Saturday afternoons spent in the back yard hunched over an old picnic table covered with yesterdays edition of the Baltimore Sun while bushels of live crabs, receiving an Old Bay steam bath, clang around inside an old stock pot and friends and neighbors mingle over icy cold Natty Boh (National Bohemian beer, hon). 

Oh, how times change! Living in Northern Indiana for the past 5 years, the closest I ever get to salt water is when I am trying to soothe an irritated throat with a good gargle.  Fortunately, the distance from my home on the east coast does not completely eliminate my chances of enjoying some other of the seas bounties. I have grown to adore to the meaty consistency and mild sea-like flavor of fresh tuna. My favorite way to prepare tuna, until last night, was just seared on the outside, thinly sliced and served ice cold with traditional sushi accompaniments.  Now, (though admittedly a late bloomer) I am tuna burger obsessed.  It contains the best of two world.  All of the elements of a succulent beef burger (except the cheese, that would be really gross!), and the fabulous flavors reminiscent of your favorite sushi bar. 

Inspired by watching Rachael Ray (the self described queen of burgers) yesterday, here is my version of:

Panko and Black Sesame Seed Crusted Tuna Burgers
1 pound best quality tuna, minced
2 green onions, finely chopped
2 tablespoons chives, finely chopped
1 tablesspoon Asian chili garlic sauce
2 tablespoons Tamari
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
2 tablespoons black sesame seeds 

Mince the tuna either in a food processor or by hand and place in a large mixing bowl.  Add green onions, chives, chili sauce, and tarami.  Stir to combine.  Form tuna mixture into patties (I made two 1/2 pound burger from 1 pound of tuna).  On a plate, place the panko bread crumbs and the sesame seeds and combine.  Press both sides of each burger into the bread crumbs.  Fry until still pink in the center, about 2-3 minutes per side, in a preheat skillet over medium high heat with about 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Serve on a soft roll with crunchy iceburg lettuce, pickled ginger and wasabi mayonnaise. 

Wasabi Mayonnaise
1/4 cup good quality mayonnaise
1 teaspoon wasabi paste 

Place mayonnaise and wasabi in a mixing bowl and stir to combine.  Adjust the hotness to your liking.           
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Party Potluck Recipes

Last week we had a small potluck party. I was very excited, like everyone does to impress them. The time was short and I did a lot of browsing to search for any Indian potluck recipe. But, I could not find many and the one that I found were taking pretty long time to cook. So, I stopped browsing and looked around my kitchen to find what all I have. If you are preparing for a potluck you have to make in a large portions (of course, our potluck gathering was very small, but what if  it was bigger?) just look around your kitchen and find the one that is in larger quantity and you many not use it again (Such  as instant cake flour), and try to prepare from that. If you are a person like me who prefer to make desserts only on special occasions then I bet you should have lots and lots of instant mixes like gulab jamun and cake mix in your store room.  Just move their butts out and start making them. 

Now here are the tips that you can make the simple food look delicious. Always, garnish food with colorful decorations. These decorations make food even more appitizing. If you are going to bake the food, always prepare them before the party day, refrigerate them and try to bake them before the party begins. If you were to take them to different place then, bake on the day before you leave.

Here are the recipes that you can prepare for the potluck or Big party.

Western Recipes:


Burger Patti

Mushroom Cheese Pizza

Shell curry puffs

Vegetable Hakka Noodles in Indian style

Banana chocolate chip Rasin Muffins

Spinach Cheese Pin wheels

Chocolate chip Cup cakes

Phyllo rolls recipe

Indian/Desi Recipes for Potluck or Party:


Moong Dal Halwa

Spring rolls with semiya

Soya chunks Vegetable Biryani

Naan Pizza

Mushroom Samosa

Sweet potato Puffs

Masala Vada

Double ka meeta

Fruit salad

Easy Spanish Rice Recipe
Panner- Potato Tots

Alu Bonda / Potato Bajji: Indian potato balls

Yummy puff pastry pin wheels

Non-Vegetarian Party or potluck Recipes

Chicken 65

Chili chicken

Chicken Biryani

Chicken Pakodi

Tandoori chicken

Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani

Apart from this you can arrange some fresh vegetables along with variety of dips available in the market.

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Egg Biryani Muttai Biryani

This is one of my favourite Egg recipe. Its an ideal biryani for eggetarians.


Basmati or Zeera Samba rice (3/4th cooked)-3cups
Eggs (hard boiled and DE-shelled)-4
Peas-1/4cup (optional)
Onions medium (chopped)-2
Tomato big (crushed)-1
Ginger and Garlic paste-2tsp
Green chilly slit-2
Turmeric powder-1/4tsp
Chilly powder-1tsp
Aniseed powder-1tsp
Coriander powder-1tsp
Salt to taste
Bay leaf small-1
Coriander leaves and Mint leaves (chopped)-1/4cup
Oil required

Heat oil in a deep bottom pan, when hot add the whole gram masala and fry until aroma comes. Next add the onions and green chilly saute until onion turn pink in colour, then add the ginger and garlic paste, fry for few minutes and add the peas. Add the crushed tomato and yogurt. Next season with chilly powder, turmeric powder, aniseed powder, coriander powder and salt. Add the chopped mint and coriander leaves and 1/4cup of water. Allow to boil, add the hard boiled eggs to the gravy, cover with a lid and simmer for 5mins. When the gravy is little thick and oil floats on top set aside the eggs. Mix the cooked rice to the gravy well and cook in dum for 5mins. Halve the eggs and serve along with Hot biryani.
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Fresh Strawberries and a New Camera

Monday, May 19, 2014

Its my birthday on July 11th, and my Wife and In-laws surprised me with a much needed digital camera! So, I thought I would do a little experimenting. This was the first food shot ever; some fresh strawberries in all their summer glory. Thank you Michele, Peggy and Al! Hopefully future blog posts will display photos that are of a much higher quality. Dont worry, I have no plans to replace the video clips with photo essays, I just want to improve the overall visual appeal of the site. By the way, if youre thinking that another reason for this post was to inform all you regular viewers that my birthday was coming up in a shameless ploy to solicit a few donantions to the site...well, I can not confirm or deny any such attemp. Enjoy!
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Dry It Yourself How to Get the Drybar Experience at Home

I know many of you live nowhere near a Drybar, but did you know you could buy all their products no matter where you live?? That means you can have a Drybar experience from anywhere now--all you need is my tutorial to top it off!

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A Banana Bread That’s Okay to Make Early

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Banana bread is one of those things people rarely make on purpose. Even though you know you’re not going to eat seven bananas in a week, you buy the big bunch anyway, because, “it’s kind of green.” Now, those last three bananas are almost black and you’re feeling like a bad person.

Then you remember banana bread, and long story short, you realize you’re not a bad person…in fact, you kind of rock. While that’s the most common scenario, this scrumptious banana walnut loaf, spiked with dark chocolate chips, is so good you’ll want to make it well before the bananas get to that condition. Yes, it does come out better with extra ripe bananas, but if you can’t wait (like I couldn’t), you’re still in for a treat.

The chocolate chips are sparse here, but make a big difference in the overall flavor. This is a case where more wouldn’t necessarily make it better. This should be more of a snack, not a super-sweet dessert. When Michele makes this, she actually grates unsweetened baking chocolate instead, and it’s amazingly like that also. And, don’t even get me started on how good this is toasted.

The recipe is adapted from one by Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger, from their cookbook, City Cuisine. It’s one of the oldest cookbooks we have, and has tons of great recipes, so check the link if you’re interested. Enjoy!

Banana Bread Ingredients:
3 ripe bananas
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup soft butter
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp milk
1 cup chopped walnuts
1/3 cup dark chocolate chips
*Bake in a 9x4 loaf pan at 325 degrees F. for about 1 hour 10 minutes.
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Moist Fruit Cake Recipe Gluten Free Vegan Egg free

As far as cakes go my favourite cakes of all are moist cakes, there is something so very enjoyable about sinking your teeth into a great tasting cake that has a soft compact and moist texture. So you can well imagine how much I loved eating this cake!

My vegan moist fruit cake is also gluten free, the brilliant thing about this cake is that you would never know that there is no eggs, no wheat, no butter or gluten.

The taste of the rich dried fruits take over the whole cake with their sweet intense flavours. The combination of fruit ranging from raisins, sultanas, dates, apricots and some glazed cherries for the traditional finish are all so fabulous together.

I use hot water that I soaked the fruit in to give the cake mixture its moisture.

There is no need to use any egg replacers or large amounts of starches in my fruit cake recipe.

It is a really easy fruit cake recipe to bake.

The next day the cake develops its very own sticky and glossy topping - the cake is just so adorable and tasty I know you will love it.

Ingredients for moist gluten free fruit cake recipe

2oz Sultanas
2oz Raisins
2oz Dried unsulphured apricots
3oz Dates
12 Glazed Cherries (halved)
5oz Rice Flour
1/2 Tbsp Cornflour (cornstarch)
1 Tbsp Soya Flour
500ml Hot water
50ml Vegetable oil
4oz Dark brown muscovado sugar
1 Vanilla pod
1 Tbsp Canadied peel
1 tsp Sweet mixed spice
1 tsp Xanthan gum
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
1-2 tsp Vanilla essence

Picture of glazed cherries and dried fruit.

See how moist the fruit cake is as I squeeze it between my fingers?

See how the cake bounces back to shape as I let go?

How to make Jeenas Kitchen Moist Fruit Cake Recipe

Place all of the dried fruit and candied peel into a bowl.

Slice the vanilla pod in two and scrap out the vanilla seeds.

Place the seeds and the remaining pods into the bowl of fruit.

Pour over the hot water and leave to soak for 10 minutes.

Place all of the dried ingredients into a large mixing bowl.

Add the cherries, vanilla essence and dried fruit mix lightly.

Add approximately half of the hot water you soaked the fruit in to the mixing bowl, only add a little at a time so you do not add too much water.

You want a thick textured cake batter.


Pour into a greased and floured square baking tin.

Bake in a hot oven at gas mark 6 for 30-40 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean and the cake is bouncy to the touch.

Do not open the oven door for at least 25-30 minutes.

Leave the cooked cake in the tray for a few minutes then turn out to cool on a rack.

Leave to cool.

Slice and enjoy Chef Jeenas delicious moist fruit cake recipe.

A tip from Chef Jeena - Eat my tasty moist friut cake when it is still warm from the oven with some custard poured over the top for a divine pudding.

See more gluten free recipe and vegan recipes

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