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Two Words BLT Cupcake

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Yeah, uh huh, check it:

Thats a BLT Cupcake. And its amazingly delicious!! AND its the first savory cupcake Ive ever had. Can you believe that?!?!

Ugh, I cant even talk about it:

Im salivating over the idea of it RIGHT NOW.

But youll have to wait for more later. As you may or may not have noticed, depending on how loyal a reader you are (hi, Jim Cook!), Ive been pretty MIA on here lately. See, Ive just started a new job and theres a lot going on, but this weekend Ill be back and better than ever!

Well, I cant guarantee "better than ever"...have you read some of these posts? Im a literary genius. GENIUS I tell you!!!!!!!

So yeah, check back for more, and in the mean time, take a guess at the frosting...what do you think it is?

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