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Spanish recipes tempting tapas platter

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spain is famous for its tapas and, depending on what you Spanish bar
often, what area of the country you are sure
Search for them.

So what are exactly "tapas" and where did the name?

Tapas in the essential snacks are and the word literally means
"Cover". The name comes from the card used
put up on to protect your drink from flying
(This can be a warm country!).

At some point in time it became popular to place
Snack on this map. At first this would only
was something simple like some nuts and olives or a fresh
Slice of crusty bread Spanish plus topping.

Emergency so far gone then the tapas were free! That
does usually not these days, although it is
occasionally with a small bowl with crisps are submitted or
Olives, to go with your drink.

Today, there are with a variety of tapas (paid)
Some bars really go-to town on you and offers
highly original, beautifully presented snacks.

But even a fairly modest bar present you with the
Enjoy a slice of the tortilla (Spanish omelette),
Boquerones (fresh, marinated anchovies in olive oil preserved)
(Oil and garlic), calamares (squid), Champiñones al ajillo
(Mushrooms garlic), Jamón Serrano, Manchego cheese, etc.

Are you interested in cooking? Then maybe you want to
This called "Patatas tapas potatoes recipe a try"
"Bravas". A Spanish well-known, it is easy to
prepare with pretty basic Ingrediants however, it should
be courageous savored as its pretty sharp!
Ingrediants are for four persons.


750 g potatoes

4 Tablespoons olive oil

Salt and black pepper

2 Teaspoons of sweet paprika

Half TSP cayenne pepper

2 Tablespoons vinegar red wine

2 Tablespoons tomato paste


1. Peel potatoes and cut into pieces.

2. FRY in oil for 3-4 minutes until lightly colored.

3. Add salt and pepper, potatoes.

4. Cover pan, low heat and cook for 20 minutes.

5Th sprinkle with paprika and Cayenne. Heat increase.

6. Mix red wine vinegar with tomato paste. You pan add.

7. Cook a few minutes, stirring constantly.

8. Should any loose liquid or oil in the pan.

You should desire to come into the country to try the original
Version, tapas tours are many afternoon
very Spain for you to enjoy! Or download the
wonderful e-book of 300 simple tapas recipe s!

Linda Plummer is webmistress top tour of Spain, the comprehensive information about Spain for travel, food, language and life.

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