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Bacon Soup with Broccoli and Asparagus

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Yall have probably noticed I havent been blogging as much these past few weeks as I used to. Or you havent because you, ya know, have a life and interests outside of your laptop. Good for you, you!! But if you dont, and if you wait with baited breath for the updates you get from me in your Google Reader, I owe you an apology.

You see, I havent felt very inspired recently--to either write or cook new things. And thats just fuckin odd for me. I just look at the color pink and suddenly get a million ideas swirling around my head. Of course, theyre all ideas for nail polish colors, but theyre ideas nonetheless! I think part of the reason I havent felt super inspired to blog these past few weeks is because I havent been trying any new recipes, and lets face it: thats what most of you come for (although I also have quite the eye for cute outfits...even if I do only post them once every 27 years).

So, when Kyle and I received our first official wedding gift from my parents of the INCROYABLE Wustof knives we registered for, I finally felt inspired to try something new. And with that, I give you Bacon Soup.
{Literally, the game changer of our kitchen. Thanks Momma and Dad!!! Yes, I call my "mom" Momma. Im from Texas!}
Aw, Im just kiddin!! Im Ellen!! Its not just bacon soup--although thats the best part--theres also some healthy junk like broccoli and asparagus in the mix, to, ya know, make it healthy.
{Wustof knives and a Vitamix are practically the only things you need in a kitchen.}
Im pretty sure I say this in some form or fashion in every recipe I post, but DAMMIT if this isnt the easiest recipe. Its like, fry up some bacon, toss in some onion and garlic, dump the green crap in and then bring it to simmer in the chicken broth and just puree it in your blender and BAM! Bacon soup.
I I say Bacon Soup because despite the green vegetable in here, this basically just tastes like liquid bacon and I am sorry, but how could you not like that??

Even vegetarians will tell you they like bacon!!

Vegetarians also like broccoli and asparagus, so really, theres something for everyone here.
Thats actually not true. Theres nothing here for vegetarians.
Ha, ha, Im just kiddin, Im Ellen!

Bacon Soup (with Broccoli and Asparagus)
Makes 8 cups
  • 1/2 lb of bacon, diced, plus a couple strips for garnish
  • 1 small yellow onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1.5 pounds of broccoli cut into florets
  • 1.5 pounds of asparagus, roughly chopped
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • salt and pepper
1. In a large pot over medium heat, brown bacon until almost crispy.
2. Toss in onion and garlic to saute in rendered bacon fat until tender (about 2 minutes).
3. Add vegetables and chicken broth to bacon, onion, and garlic. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for about 20 minutes, or until vegetables are tender.
4. Dump everything into a blender and blend until everything is well pureed and soupy. Season with plenty of salt and pepper to taste. 
5. Eat and marvel at the wonderment of bacon soup.

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