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Back in San Fran and its Ketchup Time!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Okay, so you know Im busy when I resort to headlines as crappy as this one! By the way, thats suppose to be a ketchup swan. We had a fun week despite the cold snap, and our plane made it back to the City without any geese-related issues.

Ive only answered a small portion of the built up email, and have plenty of writing to catch up on for, as well as this blog of course. If Ive ignored any of your emails or comments (this includes friends and relatives), I will get to you eventually, so thanks for your patience.

Not sure exactly when the next new video recipe will be posted, but it should be soon! Until then, stay warm, and no matter what you are doing, enjoy!

Photo (c) Flickr user schoschie

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