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Delicious Flamiche Flemish Leek Tart

Sunday, May 4, 2014

My friend has recently been in hospital for major surgery, she is back home now and I went to visit her yesterday taking with me a lunch of this Leek Tart.   The recipe is in the February edition of Delicious Magazine and not available on the website yet, but hopefully it will be once the March edition is published.

I have to say we were both mightily impressed by this tasty tart, the cheesy pastry and leek, creme fraiche and egg filling (I also added an 50g of cheese to the filling mix) was moist and the pastry was still crisp underneath - hurrah, no soggy bottom!

I accompanied the tart with a roasted tomato salsa.  The cherry tomatoes were roasted because they were just not quite as ripe as I would have liked, so I drizzled them with olive oil and a little salt and stuck them in a hot oven for 10 minutes.  Once they had cooled, I mixed them with diced celery, cucumber and coriander, poured in the remaining roasting oil and  a little white wine vinegar.  No photos of that Im afraid as I was hurrying out the door to get to my friends house for lunchtime!

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