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Have a Memorable Memorial Day Weekend!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Heres wishing all of you a happy and healthy Memorial Day weekend. I have no way of knowing what you have planned, but I assume it involves food.

Be kind to all those rusty grill chefs, its b
een months since theyve rocked the bbq tool belt (thats a great look).

Its your solemn duty to pretend to like everything no matter how black and dry. Its our ability to spare the cooks feelings that separates us from savages.

The lovely plate you see here was our lunch today, and was every bit as delicious as it looks. The lamb steaks were marinated in yogurt, garlic, and herbs - then charcoal grilled and serve on some homemade whole-wheat flatbread (also grilled), topped with wild arugula and a minted honey sherry vinaigrette. It was heavenly.

Despite a very nice Frick Syrah, I was able to film the lamb steaks and the honey sherry vinaigrette recipes, so stay tuned for those. In the meantime, enjoy!

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