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Random Recipes does Charity

Monday, March 24, 2014

Now I have to say that Ive been a little bit liberal with my interpretation of Random Recipes this month.  Dom has asked us to donate some of our unloved cookbooks to the Charity Shop, thats not a problem, its something I do pretty regularly but first we have to randomly choose a recipe and cook it, that is not so easy.

I chose this book, which has been lurking in my collection for a long time.  I suspect it was one of those Book Club books that you get at work and seemed like a good idea at the time.  However it has some seriously weird recipes in it, Raspberry Mallow Pizza anyone?  Or what about Frankfurter Bake - eeeugh! 

Fortunately, my Random Recipe was not one of these horrors, but an edible Pasta with Salmon and Cream Sauce...except I had all this lovely turkey breast to use up and no salmon in sight, so I cheated.
Im also entering this for the January One Ingredient challenge run by Working London Mummy , the ingredient is Poultry and that includes turkey.  Visit this months host How to Cook Good Food for more information.

Anyway, here is the adaptation of the Random Recipe:

Turkey and Cream Sauce
30g butter
500ml double cream
two cloves of garlic crushed
30g grated Parmesan + a little extra for the top
250g cooked turkey (or flaked salmon)
head of broccoli
300g spagetti
3 tsp chopped dill
salt and pepper
pinch of freshly nutmeg
sprig of dill to garnish

In a saucepan, heat butter, crushed garlic and cream.  Bring to just below boiling point, add the parmesan cheese.
Simmer gently for about 10 minutes, until thickened andslightly reduced.  Add Parmesan cheese.
Stir in salmon, dill, salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Cook  the spagetti in boiling water until just cooked.
Cook the broccoli in boliling water until just cooked.

Mix the pasta, broccoli, cubed cooked turkey and cream sauce.  Put them into a buttered oven dish, sprinkle parmesan over the top and heat through until golden and bubbling on top.

Which just goes to prove you can make a great dish out of any old recipe!

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