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Asparagus Yellow Pea Lentil Soup

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I made this with red lentils, believe it or not. I was afraid they would make a muddy-coloured soup, but it turned out to be quite a decent shade of green. And very tasty! In my mind I had been picturing it made with yellow split peas but it turned out I didnt have any. Ill have to try that next.

As ever, if you are using commercial chicken stock be careful with the salt - many of them will have enough you dont need to add much if any. Homemade stock will be a different story.

6 to 8 servings
40 to 60 minutes prep time

Asparagus and Pea or Lentil Soup
2 cups split yellow peas OR red lentils
4 cups chicken or vegetable stock
2 cups water
500 grams (1 pound) asparagus
2 tablespoons chicken fat or mild vegetable oil
3 or 4 green onions,
1 teaspoon cumin seed, ground
2 teaspoons coriander seed, ground
1 teaspoon ground ginger
salt & pepper to taste

Pick over and rinse the split peas or lentils. Put them in a large soup pot with the chicken stock and water. Bring to a boil and simmer until they begin to disintegrate, about 20 to 40 minutes. Stir regularly.

Meanwhile, wash and trim the asparagus. Cut it into small pieces and when the peas or lentils are cooked, add it to the pot. (You may wish to set aside the tips to use as a garnish, in which case they should be cooked separately just before serving the soup.) Continue cooking until the asparagus is quite tender, about 7 minutes.

Trim, clean and chop the green onions, wild leeks or garlic greens. Heat the chicken fat or oil in a skillet and cook them gently until soft and tender. Add the ground cumin and coriander, and the ginger, and cook for a minute or two more. Add them all to the soup. Taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.

Purée the soup in a blender or food processor until very smooth; it will likely need to be done in at least two or three batches.

To serve, reheat the soup and top with the hot cooked reserved asparagus tips (if in fact you reserved them.)

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