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Polenta Tart with Tomatoes Peppers Feta Cheese

Monday, March 24, 2014

I made two of these at the same time, and since I only have one tart pan I put the second one in a 10" springform pan. Which worked fine, but I was a bit surprised to discover that it took a good 15 minutes longer to bake than the one in the tart pan. Thicker metal, and just a tad deeper; it made a significant difference. Just another little reminder that we recipe writers do our best, but there is no substitute for using your own judgement when cooking.

This looks a lot like pizza, but it isnt really like it at all. Its closer to quiche, but again, not really that much like it.  I think this is best served just warm rather than hot, or even cold (room temperature). It wont keep long though. We ate the leftovers 24 hours later (refrigerated in the mean time) and they were fine, but not as good as freshly baked.

6 to 8 servings
2 hours - 1 hour prep time - allow time to cool

Make the Crust:
2 1/2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup cornmeal
2 teaspoons butter
1 large egg

Put the water, salt and cornmeal into a pot and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. By the time this comes up to the boil, it should already be so thick as to be just about done. Once it is thick enough to be pulling away from the pot, remove it from the heat, cover it, and set aside to cool for about half an hour.

Use the butter to generously butter the sides of a 10" tart pan. Line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper.

When the cornmeal has cooled, beat the egg into it. Press the polenta evenly over the bottom of the pan and up the sides enough to make a depression about half to 3/4 of an inch deep. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

Make the Filling:
3/4 cup plain thick yogurt
3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
2 large eggs
freshly ground black pepper to taste

Whisk the yogurt, feta, eggs, and pepper together. Spread the mixture evenly into the prepared polenta tart shell.

Finish the Tart:
1 medium beefsteak type tomato
1 or 2 small cubanelle or large sweet banana peppers
2 tablespoons sliced sweet or green onion
2 tablespoons finely shredded fresh basil or mint leaves
1/2 cup grated old Cheddar cheese

Wash and slice the tomato thinly. Core and deseed the pepper, and chop in thin slices. Mince the onion and herb. Grate the cheese.

Arrange the vegetables attractively over the top of the tart, and sprinkle the cheese evenly over them. Bake the tart for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until firm and set, and the cheese is lightly browned. Let cool to lukewarm before serving.

Last year at this time I made Corn & Chicken Egg Drop Soup. 

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